Stevia Benefits, Uses and Side Effects [ Updated 2025 ]

Stevia Benefits
February 13, 2025 0 Comments

What is Stevia? Also known as Stevia rebaudiana, Stevia is a plant famous for its health benefits. It is counted as a healthy substitute for sugar. Stevia is one of the unique food ingredients because it does not add calories like most sugar substitutes. This sweet-tasting plant is used to sweeten many beverages. It is …

Jaggery Benefits, Nutritional Value, & Their Side Effects

Jaggery Benefits
February 11, 2025 0 Comments

Jaggery, also known as ‘Gur’ in Hindi, is quite a popular natural sweetener used as an alternative to sugar. It is essentially a type of unrefined sugar made primarily from raw, concentrated sugarcane juice that is boiled until it solidifies. Gur is not just better than white sugar—which only gives the body empty calories—it also …

Types Of Rice: List of 20 Different Varieties of Rice & Their Textures

Types of Rice
April 17, 2024 0 Comments

Rice is a significant part of people’s diet, especially in India, because of various reasons. The most important reason is that rice is very filling in nature and provides energy to the body. Apart from this, rice is also healthy and full of minerals that fulfill the body’s daily requirements. It’s time to explore more into …

Black Rice Benefits, Nutrition Value & Side Effects

Black Rice Benefits
April 17, 2024 0 Comments

Black rice also called forbidden rice has been used in China as traditional medicine. Black rice has now become widely popular and is used worldwide. So, what’s the buzz all about? Some say black rice’s antioxidant potential is even more potent than blueberries. You can imagine how healthy it is. This rice has a nutty and …

11 Benefits Of Eating Dry Fruits And Nuts Regularly

Benefits of Eating Dry Fruits
August 28, 2022 0 Comments

For many years, doctors and dieticians have encouraged and urged people to consume nuts and dried fruits regularly to maintain a good and healthy lifestyle. This is because consuming nuts and dried fruits have long been associated with robust and healthy living, both within the body and outside. However, not many people are aware of …

7 Healthy Breakfast Options: Break-Up With Unhealthy Breakfast

Healthy Breakfast Options
March 12, 2022 0 Comments

For most people, morning hours are rush hours. Waking up, bathing, getting ready for work, and taking care of other personal stuff takes a lot of time in the morning. So it’s natural not to give a healthy breakfast some importance. But this is the worst thing you could do to yourself. If you are …

Pre And Post Workout Meal: What To Eat Before And After Workout?

Pre and Post Workout Meals
March 11, 2022 0 Comments

There is always confusion regarding what to eat and what not to eat, especially after a workout! Many people are always looking for a good meal that seals the deal for them. A meal that is healthy and that does not ruin the workout session. To get the most out of your workout, you must …

Types of Dates (Khajoor): List of 17 Different Varieties of Dates

Types of Dates
February 20, 2022 0 Comments

Dates are one of the most popular oval-shaped fruit with natural sweetness and a lot of nutrition. Khajoor is a type of fruit considered a superfood due to its various health benefits. Khajoor (Dates) is a soft, chewy, sweet, nutritious, and delicious fruit that grows in countries like the Middle East and North Africa. Nowadays, …

Types of Dry Fruits: 13 Dry Fruits List With Name And Benefits

Types of Dry Fruits
February 6, 2022 0 Comments

Dry fruits are a great source of many vital nutrients and vitamins. Everyone needs to include nuts in their daily diet to fulfill their nutritional requirements and stay healthy. It also contains healthy fats, fiber, and protein that our body needs to function properly. In fact, Nuts are the richest source of plant-based proteins. We …

Healthy Seeds: 6 Different Types of Seeds with Health Benefits & Nutritional Value

Types of Seeds
January 27, 2022 0 Comments

Seeds are a good source of plant-based nutrients, and small in size yet give massive health benefits to your body. Seeds are also known as the “Tiny powerhouse” of nutrients. You must need to add seeds to your healthy diet because they contain all the nutrients like fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals essential to building …